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Posted by on Jan 20, 2020 in Sports Equipment |

Iranian Professional Athlete Launches Sports Apparel Brand in Baltimore, Maryland

Iranian Professional Athlete Launches Sports Apparel Brand in Baltimore, Maryland

Iranian Basketball Player launches Sports Apparel BrandWhen it comes to sports apparel, it’s a highly decisive factor for your performance. The phrase ‘dress for success’ is absolutely true here. The apparel you choose has a large impact on the way you perform in the gym as well as on the sports field. When a sportsperson launches a clothing line, every factor involved in sports is given a thought to, and thus the apparel is just ideal for sports.

Therefore when an Iranian Basketball Player launches Sports Apparel Brand, every professional sportsperson should seriously consider buying it. Ameen Khosravian is the first Middle Eastern to play professional basketball without college experience. He is also the first Iranian in EBA history as well as the first American born Iranian in ABA history. He founded Pirouzi Athletics, in 2019. It’s a Sports Apparel Brand headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland.

Here are a few of the prominent benefits of using sports apparel launched by a sportsperson himself.

Clothes Rightly Designed for Sports

Since a sportsperson knows what difficulties arise in a sportsperson’s life and what type of clothing is best for them, they introduce clothing just rightly designed for sports.

Fitting is the most important point in sports apparel and improper fitting is a major cause of sports-related injuries that can deter you from your activity.

Another important point is the temperature of the area where you live. If you live in a cold region, you need long-sleeved tops and full-legged pants to cover and protect your body from cold. If you live in a hot region, you may want a cap to protect your head and face from the scorching sun. Your clothes should be made of an air-permeable material which will protect you from excessive heat and sweat.

Shoes of a wrong size can cause cramps, blisters and slipping that will hinder your practice. To protect your ankles, high-tops are ideal. Good sports shoes will also be rightly cushioned to protect feet from heavy landings when you jump.

Pirouzi Athletics

Good Fitting

A sportsperson knows the importance of good fitting. Not only do ill-fitting clothes look bad, but they also badly affect your performance by limiting your freedom of movements. Your shots will be affected by a tight shirt. If your shorts are riding up or slipping down, they are bound to come in the way of your complex actions in the gym or sports field.

In short, you should take benefit of the clothing line launched by a sportsperson himself and make sure you get perfect sports apparel for you.