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Posted by on Nov 22, 2011 in Basketball |

How to Be a Great Basketball Player

How to Be a Great Basketball Player

It takes a lot of hard work, practice, patience and discipline to become a great basketball player. No person is ever born as a great basketball player. All the champions, from Lebron James to Michael Jordan had to work hard to accomplish their goal. Basketball is getting popular day by day, so to earn a college scholarship, competition to play in school and to play professional is very difficult.

If you want to be a successful basketball player, you need to have a combination of speed, strength, skill, energy, intelligence and quickness. Some players might have couple of these qualities, but great players always have them all. All these qualities are important because great players are good balanced players and never have big weaknesses.

Basketball players need to work on all of their skills like dribbling, shooting, defense, rebounding, passing and scoring. All these skills can be developed by doing different drills. It is very important to get a good training that is meant especially to enhance your weaknesses and strengths as a player. You should hire a trainer who can help you in putting together a good program.

Basket players need to improve other characteristics apart from what have been mentioned above. They should extend to work on adaptability. They should have a routine of weight lifting to enhance their strength. They should also put together energy, plyometrics, speed and mobility into their program. You should work with a professional trainer to create a good basketball training program.

Intelligence is always an underestimated or neglected part of a good basketball player. The good players know how to react to a teammate, coach or a defender. You can learn the intelligence of basketball by talking to old player, discussing with coaches, watching old games on TV, reviewing movies and just by playing lot of basketball. There are some other fields that are always neglected when it comes to becoming an accomplished basketball player. You must take good care of your body. You should get a good sleep, eat balanced food.